11 أكتوبر 2010

"حصريا بانفراد تام النسخة الرهيبة Windows Crystal XP v4 2010 بحجم 534 ميجا"

Windows Crystal XP v4 2010

Screen Shots

" Removed "

Help and support files
Wallpapers and backgrunds {Replaced}
Windows Sounds {Replaced}
Old Windows Themes {Replaced}
Old Windows Cursures

" Integrated "

All latest microsoft sp3 hotfixes till mar 2010
Internet Explorer 8
Media Player 11
Flash player 10
Direct x9
Windows 7 sidebar

" Programs "

2-K-Lite Mega codec pack
3-Winamp mp3 player
4-Winrar Corporat


1. Only install this edition of Windows onto a freshly formatted partition.
2. No Languages,Drivers Have been Deleted!
3. This Release Supports SATA\Raid HDD.
4. Pre-Activated,You can download latest updates from MS

(1) PART

(2) PARE

(3) PART

(4) PART

(5) PART

(6) PART

1 التعليقات:

  1. غير معرف يقول... 7 مارس 2013 في 1:50 م

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